Hippocrates, the great Greek doctor of 5th century B.C., suggested using honey to help one's libido. In ancient days European newlyweds drank mead or hydromel, both honey-based drinks, during the first month of their marriage and gave us the term "honeymoon." (Legend has it that Attila the Hun OD'd on the stuff on his wedding night.) Indian tradition calls for a groom to have honey on his wedding day, and in parts of India it is still a common gift to give him. The term "honey" is one of endearment, and honey has been connected with love in literature ranging from
The Kama Sutra to
The Bible.
Honey is one of the most perfect foods, being easily and quickly absorbed by the body, imparting its considerable energy soon after ingestion, and containing minerals, B-complex vitamins and the sugars dextrose and levulose. From a lover's point of view this has a variety of effects: it gives lasting energy, promotes sexual health in both genders, and provides the main building blocks for semen.
This discussion centers around its ingested use. It can and has been applied topically to excellent erotic effect, but lest one get carried away with it, I should point out that honey is an
antilubricant, if you take my meaning.